“The 8300-rpm redline is constantly tempting you to mash the M button, drop a couple gears, and stomp on the throttle.”
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“The 8300-rpm redline is constantly tempting you to mash the M button, drop a couple gears, and stomp on the throttle.”
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I have a problem with my 1983 Toyota pickup 22R.
It’s a 50/50 chance to start. I changed the distributor, new sparkplugs and wires, checked the coil and it works fine, the starter is less than one year old
I cannot find the problem. This morning I started it and it ran fine for about 5 mins I switched the engine off and on again, and it did not start. It cranks fine (new battery) but wouldn’t start.
Please help with any information or where I should start looking.
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how to wheelie with bike of 160 cc
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Having a personalised license plate can be a great way to customise your car. However, actual plates that are customised can be quite expensive, which is why many people opt instead for license plate frames that are unique and creative. These plastic surrounds are inexpensive and allow anyone to be creative and witty when personalising their car.
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Brand new cars have had some serious problems and have been recalled at almost record numbers. Does this mean that proven used vehicles might be the safest?
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Why would you have a parent-teen driving contract in the first place? Let’s get as direct as we can here, the goal is to make sure you have done everything you can to make sure you don’t put your child in harm’s way.
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I put the key in and push in the clutch and all I get is one click noise. The gauges work and the radio but it will not turn over.
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Seat sheepskin covers are made for motorcycles too. I’ve been around sheepskin for years, but I never thought to put a skin on my bike. There are plenty of benefits to be had from sheepskin. Putting a sheepskin seat cover on your bike is another way to take advantage of this natural wonder.
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Another Low-Volume Premium Wagon?
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My husband just got a new job in Texas. Me and my 4 year old moved in with my mother to save a little bit of money. (and to add to this I’m pregnant with our second child…due July 3, 2009 and moving down there in August). My husband wants to buy a new car in NM….and his brother would even co-sign. They told my husband his brother has to be in person for it. I don’t understand. If the car dealerships are hurting so bad then why can’t they work with another GM dealership or bank with his brother so they can make a sale? It just doesn’t make any since to me. If anyone can help I am asking you to please do…..We are in a tough situation and just trying to get out of this glitch that we’re in.
Thank you.
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