Fuel tanks are designed to hold fuel in a safe environment until it is ready for use. Unfortunately, leaks, stress, and force impacts can threaten the integrity of the container, letting in air that mixes with the gasoline and creates a dangerous, flammable fuel source. If this mixture then comes into contact with any spark, heat source, or open flame, an explosion may occur. These explosions can turn minor incidents into devastating accidents.
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Hi Bob,
You know, I’m not the smartest kid on the block, but I see
these heavy school buses running around town (Erie, PA)
using…is it propane, butane, natural gas?…is it CH4
or C2H6…I don’t know the chemical formula…but in any
case, they seem to do fine, even 70 miles per hour out
on the Interstate highways. And they’ve been doing it for
So….why can’t we in N. America, build our cars to run
on the same substance? Natural gas is certainly cheap,
propane isn’t too bad cost wise. Why don’t we see this type of vehicle in the mix of hybrids, solar paneled cars, etc. Is there a disadvantage that I don’t see here?
Clear Skies,
Tom Whiting
Erie, PA
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Could you please tell me where the plg in diagnostic poin for my 96 Subaru Legacy
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I”m a relatively new NASCAR fan, so forgive me if this seems to be an ignorant question. I”ve always been under the impression that once the caution comes out, drivers are required to maintain running order (not pass other drivers) until after restarting. However, I”ve noticed recently that some drivers pass each other. When is this allowed? Thanks for your help!
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Your vehicles are nothing but machines and one universal fact about machines is that they perform best when conditions are standard. In case of extreme conditions, we should not expect a machine to adjust all by itself and deliver like it normally does unless some adjustments are made, some restraint shown and some leeway is given from our side.
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Does anybody know where I can get a used or secondhand mirror assembly in particular the outer weather casing?
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This is my first time to hollister. This is me and my dad doin some hillclibs, and me doing the track. I had a helmet camera but unfortuately I had it mounted wrong so it was filming the ground the whole time. If u like then subscribe to see more videos to come with a helmet cam!
02:47 |
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Someone hit my car from the back, which by law puts me not at fault at all. The insurance company wants me to sign subrogate of medicare what does that mean? Also the insurance company is offering me very little money as a rightoff. What should I do?
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Whether you run a family diesel car, or haulage company, you’re sure to have wondered whether diesel additives are worth using. Perhaps you’ve heard many claims and wonder if they could possibly be true. You should use diesel additives if any of these scenarios apply to you.
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